Ranking factors for your provider listing on Moversville Connect are based on a few signals. There are a few things you can do right now to get your listing ranked higher in your category.

Here’s how it works: Each signal awards your business a certain amount of points and the more points you have, the higher ranking you get.

Here are the main signals to focus on so you can rank higher in the Moversville Connect Directory.

Connect With Us: If you have connected with us via email or facebook regarding your listing, you have been awarded points. We like to have relationships with our providers, and if you haven’t yet had correspondence with us, drop us an email (connect@moversville.com).

Video: If you have a company video, you are awarded a certain amount of points. We like robust listings, and videos make your listing more attractive to our visitors.

Amount of Reviews: The amount of Moversville Connect reviews you have on your listing awards you with points. Ask your customers if they don’t mind dropping you a review from your listing page.

Review Rating: The aggregate rating of your listing awards you with a certain amount of points.

Provide a Guest Post: If you provide Moversville Connect with a guest post, you’ll be awarded a certain amount of points. Check out our guest post guidelines here to see what kinds of posts we’re looking for.

Become a Discount Partner: We award a certain amount of points of providers who’ve provided some kind of discount to our mover-community. Check out the discount partners page here to see others’ discounts and to apply to be listed.

Display Our Badge and Link to Your Listing Page: You’ll be awarded points for displaying the Moversville Connect badge on your website homepage and linking to your listing page.

Moversville Connect


Moversville Connect